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Tipton R-VI School District

Welcome to Tipton R-VI School District

334 US Hwy 50 West | Tipton, MO  65081 | 660.433.5528 | Fax: 660.433.2419

Dr. Terry Robinson, Superintendent
Email Dr. Robinson


Dear Parents, Guardians, Community Members and those seeking a home in Mid-Missouri,

We take our motto seriously, “We Build the Future” -the FUTURE is OUR KIDS!  If you’re new to the area and looking for a place with numerous opportunities for your child to grow, be active and be encouraged - Tipton R-VI School District is the place for you and your family. We offer a strong emphasis on STEM and Literacy, vocational programs, activities, and college preparatory courses. Moreover, we offer well-developed co-curricular activities during and after school in fine arts and music. Further, we offer competitions in speech, FFA, FBLA, and DECA.

Your son or daughter is an important part of our district. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our administrators or teachers.

It’s a Great Day to Be a Cardinal! All Day, Every Day!


Follow us on Twitter at @TiptonRVIdist

Please see our District Comprehensive School Improvement Plan


Dr. Terry Robinson



District R-VI News


